Tell Congress to Fund the Burma Act

Congress needs to act for Burma

Tell them to keep their promise to the people of Myanmar The U.S. House of Representatives is moving forward on its budget bills for the Fiscal Year 2025.  This includes the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations budget that provides key funding for Burma’s democracy movement in its struggle against the … Read more

Campaign for a New Myanmar Applauds New Congressional Burma Caucus

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1st, 2024 Campaign for a New Myanmar applauds U.S. Reps. Bill Huizenga (R, MI-4) and Betty McCollum (D, MN-4) for their leadership in forming the first bipartisan Congressional Burma Caucus. Coming on the third anniversary of the Myanmar military coup, this new caucus is very timely. We urgently need leadership by … Read more

ICYMI: Update on Myanmar Sanctions

Happy holidays!  Here are two must-read articles on sanctions and Burma from the essential Frontier Myanmar. Read them as you sip your egg nog. “The end of Myanmar’s resource boom could doom the junta” Key quote: “The military has since the 1990s relied on three main partners to weather sanctions: Singapore for banking, Thailand … Read more

Remembering 8/8/88

Thirty-five years ago today, the people of Myanmar stood up. We need to stand with them today. Today marks the anniversary of the 8/8/88, democracy uprising in Burma. Students started the uprising in Yangon and the protests quickly spread throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands of students, monks, children, and people from all walks of life protested … Read more

Chevron must cut ties with the Myanmar military

Chevron Stop funding MOGE and the Myanmar military

Chevron must end its relationship with the brutal regime Last Wednesday, shareholders of Chevron voted on a resolution focused on its partnership with the Myanmar military. According to the preliminary count, 12 percent of shareholders have voted in favor of the resolution. This 12 percent represents billions of dollars of shares and includes shares owned by the … Read more

Breaking News! The House slated to vote on the Burma Act!

The Burma Act

The House of Representatives will likely hold a floor vote on the Burma Act of 2021 (H.R. 5497) early next week. The likelihood is that the House will vote on the bill as early as Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Next week is your last chance to urge your House Member to vote in favor … Read more

The bombings must end

the bombings must end

The bombs fall at night, without warning. The Myanmar military bombs homes, schools, churches, and hospitals. In the past year, dozens of people have been killed by airstrikes. The majority of the 400,000 people who have been forced to flee their homes since the military coup last year have fled because of airstrikes or the … Read more

Thank you!

Thank you!

We cannot thank you enough! We’re still receiving wonderful notes and generous checks. Thanks to your gifts last month, we exceeded our goal of raising $15,000 to match the year-end donations of the Meah Family Foundation and ARC of Justice. Thank you! Your support puts us in a good position for 2022. Let’s continue together to turn … Read more

Will you help us restore peace to Burma in 2022? We can prevent the next massacre

Christmas eve massacre

The Christmas Eve massacre will not be the last unless we act Evidence is emerging that, on Christmas Eve, the Myanmar military massacred more than 30 civilians, including women and children, as part of its offensive in Karen State. It was reported that Burmese army troops rounded up ethnic Karen villagers, fatally shot more than … Read more