Simon Billenness, Executive Director
Tagged by the New York Times as “a super-specialist” in human rights advocacy, Simon Billenness has for 25 years helped unions, investors, non-profits, universities, and communities use their power to lobby their governments and hold corporations accountable to standards of human rights, environmental responsibility, and social justice.
Nandar Min Tun, Fellow
Nandar has over five years of experience in the international development and non-profit sector in Myanmar. She recently completed her MA in International Development from American University, School of International Service. She is currently a Fellow with the Campaign for New Myanmar. She developed an interest in international affairs as it pertains to gender equity and access to services for marginalized communities.
Alyson Chadwick, Digitial Campaign Strategist
Alyson has decades of experience using traditional and social media in political campaigns and to advocate for non-profits and communities. This included several years at the United Nations. Her interest in social justice and human rights comes from the understanding that we can do better for the people of the world.